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Winter.. Snow... nampak cam best kan... nampak je.. setakat tgk je memang best.... kalau dapat rase 1 jam ..2 jam... 1 minggu..1 bulan tu ok le.. tapi kalau 5 bulan winter dalam masa 1 thn.. kalau 2 tahun..3 tahun....mau rase tak de apa2 perasaan kan.. lebih2 lagi kalau suhu memang akan cecah negatif (-).... rasa cam dok dlm peti sejuk kat yg atas tu je... oooo sejuk...
jadik sesapa yg rase nak pi canada tu.. sila2 la cari info yg lebih... bab2 winter kat sana terutama Winnipeg.. memang sejuk berbanding Torronto atau Vancouver...(dulu le.. tapi le ni rase nye...semua canada selalu blizzard ....snow tebal....)
gambar2 koleksi aku tak de dalam simpanan... kat msia semua nye... aku amik le dari mana2 web yg seakan2 aku nampak dulu2 le....

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cam best kan.. tapi tinggi snow ni...paras peha pun leh cecah (bila berlaku blizzard).. cam leh berenang je kan....

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ni le keadaan snow yg merata2.... jenuh gak nak jalan.. kena hati2.. kalau kena yg "ice" mau terlentang..... ngan pakaian yg tebal mengalahkan astronaut..

gambar di atas ni.. adalah salah satu contoh.. jika berlaku blizzard.. lagi teruk pun ade gak..
aku pernah alami... macam merentas lautan banjir.. paras pinggang kot.. lupa...tapi banjir snow... ngan sejuk ngan rasa nak membeku je tgh2 jalan hehhe
sebenar nye.. aku nye post kali ni... aku teringat kat "snow" di Winnipeg ..waktu2 cam ni bulan desember ni.. snow memang tebal.... rindu gak sekali sekala... setakat rindu tgk le...
merasa udara sejuk gila tu.. sedap oooo.. terasa masuk terus ke paru2 bila bernafas..
sejuk2 tu... segar.....
sini mana ade snow... hujan pun kejap ade kejap tak de...
ni ade sedikit panduan n info pasal Wind Chill ..jgn main2 sejuk2 kalau bawah paras beku tu.. boleh putus jari.. tak pun telinga...silap2 leh mati beku tengah snow...hehheh ngeri..
kalau tak hati2 berpakaian...
Wind chill
The wind chill factor is the method used by weather forecasters to tell us how much colder the wind makes unprotected skin feel. So why do meteorologists say it's ‑10 with a wind chill factor that will make it feel more like ‑18? Why don't they just say it's ‑18?The wind doesn't actually change the temperature outside, but the temperature we feel is not the air temperature but our skin temperature. A person will sense that it's colder because the wind steals body heat by blowing away warm air that surrounds the skin. This means the wind chill factor is not a factor for inanimate objects like rocks, cars and snow – they will all maintain the same temperatures no matter how strongly the winds blow.
The new wind chill index adopted in 2001 uses a mathematical model developed at Environment Canada that approximates how skin temperature, especially on the face, changes with various air temperatures and wind conditions.
The math was put to the test in the research labs of the Department of Defence in Toronto. A group of 12 volunteers, six men and six women, went through clinical trials in a refrigerated wind tunnel to see how the model held up in a real-world situation.
Environment Canada also warns of the level of risk of frostbite associated with a wind chill factor. For example, when the wind chill is from ‑28 to ‑39, exposed skin can freeze in 10 to 30 minutes.Before 2001, Environment Canada would calculate wind chill as how much energy (or heat) the body loses per second depending on how much skin is exposed to the wind. Wind chill was measured in watts per square metre, with values ranging from 1,000 to more than 3,000.
But because a wind chill factor of 1,500 watts/m² is meaningless to most people, the value was translated to the temperature it would have to be to cause the same degree of heat loss without any wind. This is called the wind chill equivalent temperature – what you hear when meteorologists say, "Dress warm. It's ‑10 but with the wind chill factor it will feel more like ‑18."
Different countries use different formulas to calculate the wind chill factor and the wind chill equivalent temperature. However, they are all based on research conducted by scientists Paul A. Siple and Charles F. Passel in the 1940s, later used by the U.S. army to develop warmer clothing for soldiers. The research found that the rate at which water freezes depends on three factors: how warm it was to begin with, the outside temperature and the wind speed.
Canada and other countries adopted the wind chill index as a public health tool so people could protect themselves from cold-related ailments such as hypothermia and frostbite. This is especially useful for those who are going to be outside for long periods of time, whether snowmobiling or shovelling the driveway.
Hypothermia results when body temperature falls below 35 C. Symptoms include drowsiness, impaired co-ordination and weakness. It can also be fatal.
Frostbite is the result of skin freezing. It causes swelling, redness, tingling and burning. Skin turns white and waxy as the frostbite progresses. Infection and loss of extremities can result.
Frostnip is a condition where ice crystals form under the skin. Chilblains occur when bare skin is exposed to cold water, or when wet skin cools. The skin itches and swells. Chilblains can lead to gangrene.
According to Statistics Canada, 111 Canadians died from effects of the cold in 1997. Ninety-two of them were victims of hypothermia. Two cases of chilblains were fatal that year, and one person died from conditions resulting from frostbite of the hand.
Quick facts
The coldest wind chill recorded in Canada was at Pelly Bay, Nunavut, on January 13, 1975, when 56 km/h winds (a wind chill factor of 3,357 watts/m²) made the temperature of ‑51 C feel more like ‑92 C.
The average high temperature in Yellowknife in January is ‑23.9 C. The average low is ‑32.2.
Temperatures in Ottawa are similar to those in Russia's capital. For the month of January, Ottawa's average high is ‑6.3 C and average low is ‑15.5 C, while Moscow's average high is ‑7 C and average low is ‑13 C. Average highs and lows for July, the warmest month, are also close for the two cities.
The wood frog, which is commonly found across Canada, has what's called freeze tolerance. In winter, the wood frog hibernates on land, usually using only a pile of leaves for shelter. Because this leaves it exposed to the cold, frost penetrates its skin and freezes its internal organs, halts blood flow and stops respiration. The heart stops beating and muscles stop moving. The wood frog's body functions return to normal when it thaws.
wahhh! macam best! tapi mesti sejuk yang terlampau en.
salji kalau dah sampai paras peha mmg menangis kesejukkan la kn. best nye! best nye! nk merasa :P
syukur saitama tak mcm gini walau sejuk tu mmg sejuk...malas betul nak bergerak even nak g toilet pon..huhu
betul tuh..snow sejuk nih kejap jek best setakat makan angin kalau dok mcm tuh berthn2 mmg lemas...kulit keriang la bibir merekah ler..mcm2
Pak Man nampak macam best...tapi kalau orang yang dah mengalaminya kata tak best, Pak Man percaya.
kite yg tak pernah rasa winter.. for sure teringin... bukan utk lama.. dpt rasa sekejap dah cukup...
wohooo..tak pernah rasa winter tapi takat angin sejuk tu pernah laaa..
itu pun dah pakai kot tebal berapa lapis :P
jakun mak nih!
Tgk mmg best jer kan..blm lg merasa..
Aku setuju tang putus jari tu.. haha.. bagaikan dihiris hiris bila sejuk melampau
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