1st, download your favourite photo using effects at http://www.photofunia.com/
1. Do you think you are HOT?
Hot? apa yg hot... Hot Chocolate ? hehhehe
hot kadang2.. bila cuaca sini panas... hahhaha
2. Why do you like this picture?
sebab saya suka........
3. When was the last time you ate pizza?
bulan lepas....
4. The last song you listen to?
dengar lagu mozart [CD Hassan leee]
5. What are you doing right now besides this?
sambil belek buku baru beli... hehhehe buku kek lee...
6. What name u prefer besides yours?
nama apa ye? bersyukur ngan nama yg ade...
7. People to tag
1. Farhana (adik ku yg byk songeh..hehehe]
2. Fid
3. Sya
4. Yasmin
5. Madam Za
8. Who is no.1?
Adik ku ....
9. No.3 is having relationship with?
dengan "abg askar" hehehe
10. Say something about no.5?
kawan ku yg sungguh tak kering gusi kalau bertemu ngan dia ...
11. How about no.4?
ibu yg baru lepas bersalin... dah abis pantang sila la buat ye... atau boring dlm pantang tu... buat le tag ni..
12. Who is no.2?
kawan SI yg sungguh2 kental dan tegar... bab SI...
13. Others?
semua kawan2/kenalan yg dalam list atau yg menjenguk blog ini....
saya suka kawan ngan semua yg sudi... tambah ramai kenalan..
tu je kot... sila la buat ye yg kena

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