2. If you robbed a bank, what do you want to do with the money?
apa nak masuk penjara seumur hidup... tak pe la aku tak pi rompak....
3. If you can teleport yourself anywhere in the world, where do you want to be? why?
pi jenguk kedai kek satu dunia dalam masa satu hari ...sambil menikmati aroma kek... sedap nye..mmmm
4. If you know that you are dying, what is the last meal that you want? why?
dah sakit tenat nak makan ape.. tak lalu le....
5. If you can only kill one person in this world, who is the person? why?
bunuh org.... parah2.. soklan merapu sunggguh le.... aku bunuh org yg tanya ni (bukan ko fid..org yg buat soklan ni...)
6. If you can choose either to have more than 24 hours a day or can live more than 100 years, what is your choice? why?
hidup lama2 tapi dah kerepot, nyanyuk... apa pun tak leh buat... tak mau le...
7. If you can date celebrities, who is that person? why?
tak mau!!!!!!!!!!!
8. If you can only have 1 thing in this world, what should that be? Why?
tak nak la jadik "thing"....
9. If you have the opportunity to tag 7 of your friends, who are they? why?
sapa nak jawap soklan merapu ni.. sila la...

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