aku akan cuba terangkan apa maksudnya....
harga keta murah ke mahal tu..kena tgk la ...income per capita sesebuah negara tu....
walaupun aku tak berapa mendalam pemahaman aku..aku cuba bagi gambaran secara genaral la ye...
ok.... kita bandingkan harga kereta di Malaysia dan Australia
contohnya .. kereta "Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution"
di Australia harganya $56,789 AUD(Australian Dollar)
di Malaysia harganya pula $112,000 RM (Ringgit Malaysia)
mengapa aku kata kita kena tengok income percapita sesebuah negara kerana.... kita akan dapat ratio nya ....dari ratio tu kita akan tau di Malaysia kereta tersebut "MAHAL" sedangkan di Australia "MURAH" ..tetapi kita kena tau mengapa dikatakan murah atau mahal tu...berdasarkan GDP tersebut dan juga kena juga tau kuasa membeli sesebuah negara atau di sebut PPP
jika negara tu maju dan membangun... maka rakyat tidak akan merasa susah atau dibebani....
tetapi jika negara sedang membangun....ia nye harus la berkembang setidak2 nya setiap tahun 8% kenaikan GDP tersebut...
Malaysia GDP per capita : 6,146
Australia GDP per capita : 42,553
dengan GDP tersebut
Malaysia : harga kereta ($112,000) [GDP :6,146]
Australia : harga kereta ($56,789) [GDP : 42,000]
kita lihat perbandingan ....
memang la jika rakyat/sesapa yg bekerja di australia akan merasa murah membeli kereta dengan currency sana la...dan juga murah la kereta kat msia walupun dah convert duit nya...masih murah...kerana GDP nya tinggi berbanding negara kita....
kekuatan ekonomi sesebuah negara bergantung pada kepesatan pembangunan negara tersebut (manufacturing & service) yang utama. itu yg dikatakan negara maju..hanya sesetengh negara aje yg bertuah buat masa ni di kategorikan sebagai negara maju berdasarkan hasil bumi (minyak n gas) ..tetapi hasil bumi tak akan kekal lama....maka pentingnya pembangunan dari segi menufacturing & service...
tetapi negara kita masih belum ditahap tersebut...masih negara sedang membangun..walaupun rakyat hidup macam negara maju..pada hakikatnya negara kita belum maju..masih jauh lagi...miskin berbanding negara2 maju..jauh sekali....
walaupun dulu negara kita boleh mendapat kenaikan 8% gdp setiap tahun pada zaman 90an..tetapi sejak zaman kemelesetan ekonomi dunia akhir 90an...pertumbuhan negara kita hanya 4% dan berjaya di stabilkan sehingga 6% sebelum 2003...hingga kini masih kekal 6% tanpa kenaikan....walaupun dah 4 tahun.... negara kita belum maju lagi....
jika kita nak harga kereta tersebut murah..negara kita perlu meningkat kan ekonomi nye...perlu adenya perindustrian yg berkembang pesat .....
harga2 kereta tu bukan sengaja di jual mahal di Malaysia atau dijual murah di Australia.. sebenarnya sama aje...apa bila di convert...kalau ade perbezaan pun pada cukai dan lain2
...harga di Malaysia ....sama aje harga di Australia ..sama juga harga di UK atau di US..atau Indonesia sekali pun (bergantung pada nilai matawang negara tersebut ....dan kemampuan kita membeli ...serta di mana kita berada .....)
(mungkin sukar difahami....)
leh baca lanjut la kat link ni..
Per capita income
Per capita income means how much each individual receives, in monetary terms, of the yearly income that is generated in their country through productive activities. That is what each citizen would receive if the yearly income generated by a country from its productive activities were divided equally among everyone. Per capita income is usually reported in units of currency per year.
A region's gross domestic product, or GDP, is one of the ways of measuring the size of its economy. The GDP of a country is defined as the total market value of all final goods and services produced within a country in a given period of time (usually a calendar year). It is also considered the sum of value added at every stage of production (the intermediate stages) of all final goods and services produced within a country in a given period of time.
GDP per capita
Gross Domestic Product (nominal) per capita, the value of all final goods and services produced within a nation in a given year, divided by the average population for the same year.
The purchasing power parity (PPP) theory uses the long-term equilibrium exchange rate of two currencies to equalize their purchasing power. Developed by Gustav Cassel in 1920, it is based on the law of one price: the idea that, in an efficient market, identical goods must have only one price.
A purchasing power parity exchange rate equalizes the purchasing power of different currencies in their home countries for a given basket of goods. It is often used to compare the standards of living between countries, rather than a per-capita gross domestic products comparison at market exchange rates. The best known and most used purchasing power parity exchange rate is the Geary-Khamis dollar, also referred to as the international dollar.
Developed Country
The term developed country, or advanced country, is used to categorize countries with developed economies in which the tertiary and quaternary sectors of industry dominate.
This level of economic development usually translates into a high income per capita and a high Human Development Index (HDI). Countries with high gross domestic product (GDP) per capita often fit the above description of a developed economy.
Developing Country
A developing country is that country which has relatively low standard of living, an undeveloped industrial base, and a moderate to low Human Development Index (HDI) score and per capita income, but is in a phase of economic development. Usually all countries which are neither a developed country nor a failed state are classified as developing countries.
tu aje sedikit sebyk....apa yg aku tau n leh kongsi ..kalau tak faham..baca link tu.....aku tulis mungkin tak jelas atau leh salah faham...
aku paham apa yg ko tulis. yg bahasa omputih aku pening.
thanks rizza
sama2 mimi....aku nye explaination tu bertabur sikit laaa
mak benda2 yg extravaganza ni mmg makan masa sket nak digest.. keh keh keh.. nasib aku tak kena amik SPM sekali lagi..
yep betul. unless kalau kita beli keta mewah (seperti BMW, Merce, Audi, etc) yang sememangnya kalau kat malaysia memang la tak mampu.
contoh my friend buat phd+kerja kat UK. bawak balik BMW 5 series. total dalam rm80k gitu. sebabnya? dia terlepas sales/import tax yang maha melampau oleh kastam.
tapi itu kena duduk situ 4-5 tahun laa....nak lari itu import tax kereta baru.
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