Saturday 24 February 2007

Just a note...what's good for preschoolers?

From "thedietdoctor" - child nutrition specialist Dr Rana Conway

For Preschoolers....

These foods are actively encourage for preschoolers
Fruit & vegetables
Meat, fish, beans & lentils
Cereals, including wholemeal bread
Dairy produce
Water to drink

Skimmed milk - offer full fat or semi-skimmed from two to five years
Tea or coffee **
Sugar or salt
Fizzy drinks
Undiluted fruit juices

**Drinks such as tea and cofee shouldn't be given to children because they contain too much caffeine. They also reduce iron absorption, and many kids have quite low levels as it is. If you can give your child a taste for plain water instead, you'll be doing them a favour for life.

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